Iowa Gym-Nest offers classes year round.  We keep your child enrolled in class until you tell us differently. 


Tuition is due monthly. There is an automatic payment option. Forms may be picked up in either office.


  1. We ask that customers have a payment method on file (either credit card or bank account)
  2. Membership Fees are annual, due on your anniversary date. ($24/student, maximum $60/family)
  3. There is a 10% Discount if you pay for the entire year prior to the start of your first class. This payment is non refundable.


  •  “Early Bird” Discount – Receive a 10% discount if you pay for a full year prior to your first class.
  • Family Discount – Receive a 25% discount on the tuition fee for your third (or more) child if you have all children enrolled at any IGN location during the same session (discount applied to the lowest priced recreation class)
  • Military Discount - Active military families receive a 10% discount
  • University of Iowa Discount - UI employees and students receive a 10% discount on recreation classes
  • Scholarships – For families facing hardships, a reduction in tuition fees may be granted on an individual, case by case basis.  If you are facing a hardship and need assistance, please talk to either Paige or Sandie for consideration (and may God bless you and hold you in his hands during this time)
  • Discounts CAN NOT be combined

Where to Find Us

Coralville Location:
2550 Holiday Road

Coralville, IA 52241

Phone: 319.341.2229


Iowa City Location:
545 Olympic Court

Iowa City, IA 52240


Office Hours

Main Office (Coralville):


Monday-Thursday 9:00AM-7:00PM 

Fridays: 9:00AM-Noon

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed


Iowa City Office:

Please call the CV office: 319-341-2229

Monday - Thursday


Friday: Closed

Saturday: 9:00AM-Noon

Sunday: Closed

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