Tumbling Programs

Tumbling & Trampoline Classes


T&T Beginner: age 5 – 12 years

This class is one hour.


T&T Novice: age 12 years and up

This class is 90 minutes.


The focus is on beginning-intermediate tumbling and trampoline skills. Handstands, Cartwheels, Walkovers, Aerials and Handsprings are some of the skills that we will work on. In addition, we will spend time improving the students' overall fitness level.


Tumbling/Acro for Dancers: 7 years and up

This class is one hour.


A new class tailored specifically to dancers looking to improve their acro skills. Skills worked include walkovers, aerials, handsprings and more. 


Competitive Tumbling & Trampoline Team:


At IGN we welcome everyone on our competitive T&T team. No experience needed! This group allows any athlete from beginner to advanced to learn and develop new tumbling skills while also having the opportunity to perform in a competitive environment!


If you are interested in competing T&T, email John at johnk@iowagymnest.com


Where to Find Us

Coralville Location:
2550 Holiday Road

Coralville, IA 52241

Phone: 319.341.2229



Iowa City Location:
545 Olympic Court

Iowa City, IA 52240



Office Hours

Main Office (Coralville):


Monday-Thursday 9:00AM-7:00PM 

Fridays: 9:00AM-Noon

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed


Iowa City Office:

Please call the CV office: 319-341-2229

Monday - Thursday


Friday: Closed

Saturday: 9:00AM-Noon

Sunday: Closed

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